Sunday, September 2, 2007

Rodnoj Zavet

Rodnoj Zavet - this is a new Russian authentic post-christian religion and culture site in English language.

Triglav [slav] / Trita. Hindu Vedic. A goddess / Tvastar. Hindu Vedic. A creator god / Urgel. Slavic. A god of the Pleiades / Usas. Hindu Vedic. A goddess of warriors & of the dawn & wisdom / Vakarine. Slavic. A goddess of the evening star / Varuna. Hindu Puranic Vedic Tamil. A a major guardian god of the sky & water / Vata. Hindu Vedic Persia. A god of the wind / Vayu. Hindu Vedic. The god of the air & wind / Veles Volos. Russia Slavic. A god of herds, death & the Underworld / Verethragna Persia . Iran. The god of victory, he is in the wind / Vesna. Slavic. A goddess of spring / Volos. Slavic. A god of death & commerce Veles / Yarilo. Slavic. A god of fertility / Yarovit. Slavic. A god of victory / Yima. Persia. The god of light / Zam. Persia. An earth spirit / Zaria. Slavic. A goddess of beauty / Zarya. Slavic. A goddess of healing waters / Ziva Siva. Slavic. A goddess of life / Ziva. Slavic. A goddess of long life / Zoria Zorya. Slavic. A goddess of morning, dawn & beauty / Zurvan. Persia. The god of infinite time / Zvezda Dennitsa. Slavic. The morning star goddess / Zvoruna. Slavic. A god of hunting

Cilicia Occupied By The Byzantines, 1138-1145] / Claudius Gothicus, 268-270 / Claudius, 41-54 / Cleopatra Vii And Ptol. Xiv Caesar (Caesarion), ?44-30 / Commodus, 180-192 / Comnenian Dynasty / Constans Ii, 641-668 / Constantine Ducas, 1081-C.1090 / Constantine I (Brother), 1405-1412. Co-Kings: Alexander (I), Bagrat, George (Sons), C. 1408 / Constantine I (Son), 1095-1099 / Constantine I, The Great, 305-337 / Constantine Ii (I) (Brother), 1298-1299 / Constantine Ii (Son Of Demetrius Iii), 1478-1505 / Constantine Iii (Ii) (Outsider), 1344-1363 / Constantine Iii (Son), 898/99-916/17 / Constantine Iii, 613-641 / Constantine Iii, 641 / Constantine Iv (Iii) (Cousin), 1365-1373 / Constantine Iv, 659-668 / Constantine Iv, Pogonatus 668-685 / Constantine Ix, Monomachus 1042-1055 / Constantine Lecapenus, 924-945 / Constantine V, 720-740 / Constantine V, Copronymus 740-775 / Constantine Vi, 776-780 / Constantine Vi, 780-797 Irene, Regent 780-790, 792-797 / Constantine Vii, 911-913 / Constantine Vii, 919-944 / Constantine Vii, Porphyrogenitus 913-919 Regency Council 913. / Constantine Vii, Porphyrogennetus 944-959 / Constantine Viii, 1025-1028 / Constantine Viii, 961-1025 / Constantine X, Ducas 1059-1067 / Constantine Xi, Dragases 1448-1453 / Constantine, 869-880 / Constantinian Dynasty / Constantius, 337-361 Sole Emperor After 351 / Curopalate For The Emperor, 657-658 / Curopalate For The Emperor, 700-711 / Curopalate For The Emperor, 877-878 / Curopalate For The Emperor, Before 693 / Curopalate, 1031-1032 / Curopalate, 891-923 / Curopalate, 923-954 / Curopalate, 954-958, And Titular King, 937-958 / Curopalate, 958-961 / Curopalate, C. 1060 / Curopalate, For The Emperor, 689-Before 693 / Cyrus I, 640-600 / Cyrus Ii, The Great, 559-530 / Dach'i, 522-534, Son Of Vakhtang I / Darius I, 522-486 / Darius Ii, 423-404 / Darius Iii Codomannus, 336-330 / Darius, 39-?37 / David Anhoghin [The Landless] (Son), 989-1046/48 / David I Bagrationi, Curopalate / David Ii (Son), Titular King, 923-937 / David Ii The Great (Son), Curopalate, 990-1000 / David Iii (Ii) The Builder (Aghmashenebeli) / David Iv (Iii) (Son), 1155 / David Saharhuni, Curopalate 635-638 / David V (Iv) (Son), 1250-1258, Secedes In Abasgia/Abkhazia, Or Imeretia / David Vi (V) (Son Of George Iv), 1250-1269 / David Vii (Vi) (Son Of Demetrius Ii), 1292-1301 / David Viii (Vii) (Son), 1346-1360. Co-King Bagrat (V), C. 1355 / Decline Of The Roman Republic, 133-31 B.C.] / Demetrius I (Brother Of Antiochus Iv), 162-150 / Demetrius I (Son), 1125-1155, 1155-1156 / Demetrius Ii (Brother), 837/38-872/73 / Demetrius Ii (Son Of Demetrius I), 145-139/38, 129-125 / Demetrius Ii The Devoted (Son), 1273-1289 / Demetrius Iii (Brother), 1446-1453 De Jure. / Demetrius Iii, 95-88 / Derenik-Ashot (Son), 936/37-953 / Descendants Of Muhammad / Diocletian, 285-305 / Disorder In The Kingdom During The Regency Of The Queen-Mother Nysa. / Domitian, 81-96 / Du'a Temur, 1326 / Du'a, 1282-1307 / Ducas Dynasty / Early Saljuqs Of Iran, Mesopotamia, Syria / Elagabalus, 218-222 / Elchigidei, 1326 / Emperors Of Byzantium / Emperors Of Rome / Ervand (Orontes) I, C. 401-C. 344 B.C. / Ervand (Orontes) Ii, C. 344-331 / Ervand (Orontes) Iii, Before 317-C. 260 / Ervand (Orontes) Iv, C. 212-C. 200 / Ervandian Or Orontid Dynasty In Armenia / Esen-Buqa, 1310-1318 / Gagik-Abas Ii (Son), 1029-1064, D. 1080 / Gagik I (Brother), 989-1020 / Gagik Ii (Son), 1042-1045 / Gagik Of Lorhi (Son Of David Anhoghin And Nephew Of Kwirike Iii), 1029-1058 / Galba, Otho, And Vitellius, 69 / Gallienus, 253-268 / Gegen, 1320-1323 / Geikhatu, 1291-1295 / George I (Son), 1014-1027 / George I Aghts'epeli (Brother), 872/73-878/79 / George Ii (Son), 1072-1089 / George Iii (Brother), 1156-1184 / George Iv The Resplendent (Son), 1212-1223 / George V, The Little (Son Of David Vii), 1307-1314 / George Vi The Illustrious (Son Of Demetrius Ii), 1314-1346 [Imeretia Recovered] / George Vii (Son), 1395-1405 / Ghazan, 1295-1304 / Gordian Iii, 238-244 / Gotarzes I, C. 90-80 / Gotarzes Ii, C. 43-50 / Gregory I Mamikonean, For The Caliph, 662-684/85 / Gregory Ii Mamikonean, For The Caliph, 748-750 / Gregory V (Brother), ?-C. 1091 / Gregory Vi (Son), 1105-1166 / Guaram I The Guaramid, Curopalate, 588-C. 590 / Guaram Ii The Guaramid / Guaram Iii The Guaramid / Gurgen-Xach'ik (Brother), 983-1003 / Gurgen I (Son Of Bagrat Ii), Co-King, 975 / Gurgen I (Son) Of Ashot Iii Of Armenia), 982-989 / Gurgen I Bagrationi, Curopalate / Gurgen Ii-Kiwrike (Son), 1046-1081/89 / Guy I De Lusignan (Cousin Of Leo V), 1342-1344; Regent: John De Lusignan (Brother), 1342 / Guyuk, 1246-1248 / Hadrian, 117-137 / Hamazasp Ii Mamikonean, / Harun Al-Rashid, 786-809 / Hasan [Hasan Ibn Kahtaba Al-Tai'i] (754-759) / Hellenistic Dynasties / Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine Rulers (To 1453) / Heracleonas, 638-641 / Heracleonas, 641 Martina, Regent 641. / Heraclian Dynasty / Heraclius I, 610-641 / Heraclius, 659-681 / Het'um I Of Lambron (Second Consort Of Isabel), 1226-1269, D. 1270 / Het'um Ii (Son), 1289-1293, 1294-1296, 1299-1305, D. 1308 / Het'umid Dynasty / High Constable For The Caliph, 755-761 / High Constable For The Caliph, 761-772 / High Constable For The Caliph, 826-855 / High Constable, 856 / Hisham, 724-743 / Hormizd-Ardashir, Sasanian, 252-C.272. Not Member Of Dynasty / House Of Chaghatai / House Of Chingiz / House Of Hulegu / House Of Jochi / Hovhannes [John]-Senek'erim (Adopted Son Of Gregory V), C. 1091-1105 / Hovhannes [John]-Smbat Iii (Xi) (Son), 1020-1040 / Hulegu, 1256-1265 / Hurmazd I (Hurmazd-Ardashir), 270-271 / Hurmazd Ii, 302-309 / Hurmazd Iii, 457-459(?) / Hurmazd Iv, 579-590 / Interregnum, 1245-1250] / Interregnum, 1269-1273] / Iranian, Arab, Saljuq, Mongol, Ottoman Rulers (To 1481) / Irene, 797-802 / Irinchinbal, 1332 / Isaac I, Commenus 1057-1059 / Isaac Ii, 1203-1204 / Isaac Ii, Angelus 1185-1195 / Isabel (Daughter), 1219-1222 / Isahak [Ishak Ibn Muslim Al-Ukaili] (744-749/750) / Isaurian Dynasty / Jani-Beg, 1342-1357 / Jar'ah [Jarrah Ibn Abdullah Al-Hakami] (722-725, 729-730) / John I, Tzimisces 969-976 / John Ii, 1092-1118 / John Ii, Calojohannes 1118-1143 / John Iii, Ducas Vatatzes 1222-1254 / John Iv, Ducas Vatatzes 1258 / John Shavliani (Outsider), 878/79-C. 880 / John V, 1341-1347; Anne Of Savoy, Regent 1341-1347 / John V, 1347-1355 / John V, 1355-1376 / John V, 1379-1390 / John V, 1390-1391 / John Vi, Cantacuzene 1347-1355 / John Vii, 1376-1390 / John Vii, 1390 / John Vii, 1399-1412 / John Viii, 1423-1425 / Jovian, 363-364 Sole Emperor / Julian The Apostate, 361-363 Sole Emperor / Julio-Claudian Emperors / Justianian Ii, Rhinotmetus 685-695 / Justin I, 518-527 / Justin Ii, 565-578 Sophia, Regent 573-574 / Justinian Dynasty / Justinian I, 527-565 / Justinian Ii, Rhinotmetus 705-711 / Kavad I (First Reign), 488-496 / Kavad I (Second Reign), 498-531 / Kavad Ii (Shiruya), 628 / Kaykawus I, 1210-1219 / Kaykawus Ii ('Izz Ad-Din), 1246-1259 / Kaykhusraw I (Second Reign), 1204-1210 / Kaykhusraw I, 1192-1196 / Kaykhusraw Ii, 1236-1245 / Kaykhusraw Iii, 1264-1282 / Kayqubad I, 1219-1237 / Kayqubad Ii, 1249-1257 / Kayqubad Iii, 1298-?1301 / Kebek, 1318-1326 / Khusrau I, 531-579 / Khusrau Ii (First Reign), 590 / Khusrau Ii (Second Reign), 591-628 / Kilij-Arslan I, 1092-1107 / Kilij-Arslan Ii, 1155-1192 / Kilij-Arslan Iii, 1203 / Kilij-Arslan Iv, 1248-1264 / King Of Kings, 1008 / King Of Kings, 994-1008 / Kings And Curopalates Of Iberia / Kings Of Abasgia/Abkhazia / Kings Of Abasgia/Abkhazia Control Iberia, 912-975] / Kings Of Armenia / Kings Of Georgia / Kings Of Kakhetia / Kings Of Kars / Kings Of Lorhi And Aghbania / Kings Of Siwnik' / Kings Of Vaspurakan / Konchek, 1308 / Kwirike Iii The Great, 1010-1029 / Kwirike Iv (Son), 1084-1102 / Lascarid Dynasty / Leo I, 457-474 / Leo Ii, 474 / Leo Ii, 767/68-811/12 / Leo Iii, The Isaurian 717-740 / Leo Iv, 750-775 / Leo Iv, The Khazar 775-780 / Leo V, The Armenian 813-820 / Leo Vi (V) De Lusignan (Guy's Nephew), 1373-1375 / Leo Vi, 870-886 / Leo Vi, The Wise 886-912 / Leonine Dynasty / Leontius, 695-698 / Lewon (Leo) I (Brother), 1129-1138, D. 1141 / Lewon (Leo) Ii (I) The Great (Brother), 1186-1198/99; King Of Armenia, 1198/99-1219 / Lewon (Leo) Iii (Ii) (Son), 1269-1289 / Lewon (Leo) Iv (Iii) (Son Of T'oros (Theodore) Iii), 1305-1308 / Lewon (Leo) V (Iv) (Son), 1320-1341 / Line Of Gardman-Aghbania / Line Of Siwnik' / Lorhi Annexed By The Saljuqs] / Macedonian Dynasty / Macrinus, 217-218 / Mahmet [Muhammad Ibn Marwan] (690s) D.719/720 / Mahmud, 1092-1094 / Malik-Shah, 1072-1092 / Malik-Shah, 1107-1116 / Mamluk Conquest Of Cilician Armenia] / Manuel I, 1143-1180 / Manuel Ii, 1386-1391 / Manuel Ii, 1391-1425 / Marcian, 450-457 / Marcus Aurelius, 161-180 / Maria Of Antioch,Regent 1180-1182. / Marwan I, 684-685 / Marwan Ii, 744-750 / Marzpans / Mas'ud I, 1116-1155 / Mas'ud Ii, 1282-1304 / Mas'ud Iii, 1307-1308 / Matthew Cantacuzene, 1348-1355 / Maurice, 582-602 / Maximinus And Gordian I, 235-238 / Meribanes (Mirian) Iii, 284-361, Son Of The Great King Of Iran / Meribanes (Mirvan) I / Meribanes (Mirvan) Ii, 30-20 / Michael I, Rhangabe 811-813 / Michael Ii, The Amorian 820-829 / Michael Iii, The Drunkard 842-867 Theodora, Regent 842-856 / Michael Iv, The Paphlagonian 1034-1041 / Michael V, The Calfat 1041-1042 / Michael Vi, Stratioticus 1056-1057 / Michael Vii, 1068-1071 / Michael Vii, C.1060-1067 / Michael Vii, Parapinaces 1067-1068; Eudocia Macrembolitissa, Regent 1067-1068. / Michael Vii, Parapinaces 1071-1078 / Michael Viii, Palaeologus 1258-1282 / Michael, 1295-1320 / Mithranes, 331-Before 317 / Mithridates (Mihrdat) I, 58-106 / Mithridates (Mihrdat) Ii, 249-265 / Mithridates (Mihrdat) Iii, 365-380, Diarch 370-378, Son Of Aspacures Ii / Mithridates (Mihrdat) Iv, 409-411, Son Of Aspacures Iii / Mithridates (Mihrdat) V, 435-447, Son Of Arch'il / Mithridates I Callinicus, C. 100-C. 70 / Mithridates I, 337/336-302/301 / Mithridates I, C. 171-139 / Mithridates Ii, 302/301-266/265 / Mithridates Ii, The Great, C. 124-88 / Mithridates Iii, C. 250-C. 185 / Mithridates Iii, C. 57-55 / Mithridates Iv Philopator Philadelphus, C. 170-C. 150 / Mithridates Iv, C. 130-147 / Mithridates Of Iberia, C.35-37, 42-51. Not Member Of Dynasty / Mithridates V Euergetes, C. 150-121/120 / Mithridates Vi Eupator Dionysus, 121/120-63 / Mleh (Uncle), 1170-1175 / Mongke-Temur, 1267-1280 / Mongke, 1251-1258 / Mongols / Mruan [Marwan Ibn Muhammad] (732-744) / Mslim [Maslama Ibn 'Abd Al-Malik] (725-729) / Mu'awiya Ii, 683-684 / Mu'awiya, 661-680 / Mubarak-Shah, 1266 / Muhammad (Mehmed) I, 1413-1421 / Muhammad (Mehmed) Ii The Conqueror, 1451-1481 / Muhammad, C. 570-632 / Murad I, 1360-1389 / Murad Ii, 1421-1451 / Mushegh (Son Of Abas I Of Armenia), 962-984 / Mushegh Ii Mamikonean 591 ? / Mushegh Ii Mamikonean, Master Of The Horse For The Emperor. Passes To The Caliph, 654 / Mushegh Mamikonean, Head Of The Insurgent Princes] C.750 / Mzhezh (Mezezius) I Gnuni 518-548 / Mzhezh (Mezezius) Ii Gnuni, Commander-In-Chief Of The Imperial Troops, 628-635 / Narseh, 293-302 / Narseh, Sasanian, C.273-293. Not Member Of Dynasty / Negubei, 1271 / Nero, 54-68 / Nerse Nersiani / Nerseh Kamsarakan, Curopalate For The Emperor, 689/90-691 / Nerva, 96-98 / Nicaean Empire, 1204-1261) / Nicephorus I, 802-811 / Nicephorus Ii, Phocas 963-969 / Nicephorus Iii, Botaniates 1078-1081 / Nicomedes I, C. 279-C.250 / Nicomedes Ii Epiphanes, 149-C. 94 / Nicomedes Iii Epiphanes Philopator, C. 94-75/74 / Nimrodids / Nimrodids Or / Nobilissimus, C. 1052 / Ogedei, 1229-1241 / Oljeitu, 1304-1316 / Orghina, 1251-1260 / Orkhan, 1326-1360 / Orodes I, C. 80-77 / Orodes Ii, C. 57-39 / Orodes Iii, C. 4 A.D.-7 A.D. / Orodes, C.15-C.18 / Oroses, 108-127 / Oroses, 89-90 / Oshin (Son Of Leo Iii), 1308-1320 / Osman, 1299-1326 / Ostikans Of Arminiya / Ot'man ['Uthman Ibn 'Umara Ibn Khuzaim] (781-785) / Ottomans To 1481 / Ovbedla ['Ubaidullah Ibn Al-Mahdi] (788-790) / Oz-Beg, 1313-1341 / P'arnajom (Son), 109-90 / Pacorus I, D. 38 / Pacorus Ii, 113-114 / Pacorus Ii, 78-86 / Pacorus Ii, 92-95 / Palaeologan Dynasty / Pap, 367-C.374 / Parthamasiris, 113-115? / Patrician, For The Emperor, C. 662-684/5 / Peroz, 459-484 / Peter De Lusignan, King Of Cyprus, Invited, 1368-1369 / Pharasmanes (P'arsman) Ii, 116-132 / Pharasmanes (P'arsman) Iii, 135-185 / Pharasmanes (P'arsman) Iv, 406-409, Son Of Aspacures Iii / Pharasmanes (P'arsman) V, 547-561, Son Of Bacurius Ii / Pharasmanes (P'arsman) Vi, 561-? Brother's Son Of Pharasmanes V / Pharasmanes I (Aderk), 1-58 / Pharnabazids / Pharnabazus (P'arnavaz) I, 299-234 B.C. / Pharnabazus Ii (Bartom), 63-30 / Pharnaces I, C. 185-C. 170 / Pharnaces Ii, 63-47 / Philip Of Antioch (Consort), 1222-1225 / Philip Siwni 574-576 / Philippicus, Bardanes 711-713 / Philippus I, 92-83 / Philippus Ii, 65-64 / Phocas, 602-610 / Phraates I, C. 176-171 / Phraates Ii, C. 139-129 / Phraates Iii, C. 70-57 / Phraates Iv, C. 37-3 B.C. / Phraates V, 3 B.C.-3 A.D. / Presiding Princes Of Armenia / Presiding Princes Of Iberia / Priapatius, C. 191-176 / Prince Of Princes For The Caliph, 862-885 / Princes And Kings Of Cilician Armenia / Probus, 276-282 / Prusias I, C. 230-C. 180 / Prusias Ii, C. 180-149 / Ptol. Ii Philadelphus, 285-246 / Ptol. Iii Euergetes I, 246-221 / Ptol. Iv Philopator, 221-203 / Ptol. Ix Alexander I, 108/107-88 / Ptol. Soter, 323-285 B.C. / Ptol. V Epiphanes, 203-181/180 / Ptol. Vi Philometor, 181/180-145 / Ptol. Vii Euergetes Ii (Physcon), 145-116 / Ptol. Viii Soter Ii (Lathyrus), 116-108/107, 88-80 / Ptol. X Alexander Ii, 80 / Ptol. Xi Auletes, 80-51 / Ptol. Xii And Cleopatra Vii, 51-48 / Ptol. Xiii And Cleopatra Vii, 47-44 / Ptolemaeus, Ruling C. 170, Independent Ruler C. 163-C. 130 / Ptolemid Dynasty Of Egypt / Qaishan, 1307-1311 / Qara-Hulegu, 1242-1246 / Qubilai, 1260-1294 / Qutuqtu, 1329-1332 / R'oh [Rauh Ibn Hatim Al-Muhallabi] (785-786/787) / Radamistus (Adam), 132-135 / Rev I The Just, 189-216 / Rev Ii, Co-King 345-361, Son Of Meribanes Iii / Rhadamistes Of Iberia, 51-54? Not Member Of Dynasty / Romanus I, Lecapenus 919-944 / Romanus Ii, 959-963 / Romanus Ii, C.950-959 / Romanus Iii, Argyrus 1028-1034 / Romanus Iv, Diogenes 1068-1071 / Ruben I, 1080-1095 / Ruben Ii (Son), 1169-1170 / Ruben Iii (Nephew), 1175-1186 / Rubenid Dynasty / Rulers Of Armenia / Rulers Of Iberia/Georgia / Rusudan (Sister), 1223-1245 / Sahak Ii Bagratuni, Insurgent Marzpan] 482-483 / Sahak Vii Bagratuni / Saleh Ibn Subaih Al-Kindi, 750/751-752] / Saljuqs / Saljuqs Of Rum / Samus Ii Theosebes Dikaios, C. 130-C. 100 / Samus, C. 260 / Sanatruk, 75-110? / Sartaq, 1256-1257 / Sasanids In Iran / Sauromaces (Saurmag) I (Son), 234-159 / Sauromaces Ii, 361-363, Diarch 370-378 / Sebastus, C. 1060 / Second Pharnabazid Dynasty / Seleucid Dynasty Of Syria / Seleucus I, 312-281 / Seleucus Ii (Son), 246-225 / Seleucus Iii (Son), 226-223 / Seleucus Iv (Son), 187-175 / Seleucus V, 125 / Seleucus Vi, 96-95 / Senek'erim-Hovhannes [John] (Brother), 1003-1021, D. 1027 / Septimius Severus, 193-211 / Set' (Sa'id) [Sa'id Ibn Amru Al-Harashi] (730-731) / Severan Emperors / Shahrukh, 1405-1446/47 / Shahrvaraz, 629 / Shapuh, Sasanian. Son Of Shah Yazdgird I, 418-422. Not Member Of Dynasty / Shapur Ii, 309-379 / Shapur Iii, 383-388 / Shapur, 240-270 / Sinatruces, C. 77-70 / Smbat (Brother), 1296-1298 / Smbat I (Ix) The Martyr (Son), 890-914 / Smbat Ii (X) The Conqueror (Son), 977-989 / Smbat Ii, 963-C. 998 / Smbat Iii (Cousin And Nephew), 1019-? / Smbat Vi Bagratuni, Patrician For The Emperor, 691-697 / Smbat Vii Bagratuni / Smbat Viii Bagratuni / Sohaemus, 164-185, With Interruptions. Not Member Of Dynasty / Stauracius, 811 / Stephen I The Guaramid / Stephen Ii The Chosroid, Patrician / Stephen Iii The Guaramid / Stephen Lecapenus, 924-945 / Struggle Between Isa, Muhammad (Mehmed), Sulaiman And Musa, 1402-1413] / Sulaiman [Sulaiman Ibn Al-'Amri] (788-790) / Sulaiman Ibn Kutlumish, C. 1077-1086 / Sulaiman Ii, 1196-1204 / Sulaiman, 715-717 / Sumbat I (Brother) / T'oros (Theodore) I (Son), 1100-1129 / T'oros (Theodore) Ii (Son), 1145-1169 / T'oros (Theodore) Iii (I) (Brother), 1293-1294, D. 1299 / Tachat Andzewats'i, For The Caliph, 780-782/785 / Tacitus, 275-276 And Florian, 276 / Taliqu, 1308-1309 / Tarmashirin, 1326-1334 / Teguder, 1281-1284 / Teispes, 675-640 B.C. / Temur, 1294-1307 / Thamar The Great (Daughter), 1184-1212 / The Chaghatai Khanate, 1227-1338] / The Five Good Emperors And Commodus / The Good, Son Of Amazaspus I / The Great Khans And The Yuan Dynasty Of China] / The Il-Khans Of Iran] / The Khans Of The Golden Horde, 1237-1357] / Theodora, Porphyrogenneta 1055-1056 / Theodore I, Lascaris 1204-1222 / Theodore Ii, Lascaris Vatatzes 1254-1258 / Theodore Rhshtuni, High Constable / Theodore Rhshtuni, High Constable And Patrician, 638-C.645 / Theodosian Dynasty / Theodosius I, The Great, 379-395 Sole Emperor After 392 / Theodosius Ii (Son), 811/12-837/38 / Theodosius Ii, 408-450 Anthemius, Regent 408-414 / Theodosius Iii, 715-717 / Theodosius, Co-Emperor 590-602 / Theophilus, 821-829 / Theophilus, 829-842 / Third Pharnabazid Dynasty / Tiberius Ii, 578-582 / Tiberius Iii, Apsimar 698-705 / Tiberius, 14-37 / Tiberius, 659-681 / Tiberius, 706-711 / Tiberius, Regent 574-578 / Tigran (Tigranes) I / Tigran (Tigranes) Ii, 95-55 / Tigran (Tigranes) Iii, 20-8/6 / Tigran (Tigranes) Iv And Erato, 2 B.C.-A.D. 1? / Tigran (Tigranes) Iv, 8-5 / Tigran (Tigranes) V And Erato, C. 6-14 / Tigran (Tigranes) Vi, C.60-C.61/62. Not Member Of Dynasty / Tigranes Of Armenia], 83-69 / Timur, 1381-1405 / Timurids To 1469 / Tini-Beg, 1341-1342 / Tiran, C.338/39-350 / Tiridates (T'rdat), 394-406, Son Of Rev Ii / Tiridates, 248-211 / Tiridates, C. 30-25 B.C. / Titus, 79-81 / Tode-Mongke, 1280-1287 / Toghan-Temur, 1332-1370 / Tole-Buqa, 1287-1291 / Toq-Temur, 1328-1329 And 1329 / Toqa-Temur, 1272 / Toqta, 1291-1312 / Trajan, 98-117 / Trdat (Tiridates) I, 53-C.60 / Trdat (Tiridates) I, C.62/66-C.75 / Trdat (Tiridates) Ii, C.216/217-252 / Trdat (Tiridates) Iii, 287-298 / Trdat (Tiridates) Iv, The Great, 298/99-C.330 / Tughril-Beg, 1055-1063 / Ulaghchi, 1257 / Ulugh Beg, 1446/47-1449 / Umar Ii, 717-720 / Umar, 634-644 / Umayyads / Uthman, 644-656 / Vach'e, 216-234 / Vagharsh (Vologases) I, 117-138/140 / Vagharsh (Vologases) Ii, C.180-191 / Vahan Mamikonean, Autonomous Marzpan 485-505/510 / Vakhtang I Gorgasal (Gurgenes), 447-522, Son Of Mithridates V / Valens, 364-378 / Varaz-Tirots' Ii Bagratuni 628 - After 631 / Varaz-Tirots' Ii Bagratuni, Curopalate, 645 / Varazdat, 374-378 / Vard Mamikonean, Autonomous Marzpan 505/10-509/514 / Vardanes I, C. 39-45 / Vasak I Of Siwnik' C. 442-451 / Vasak Vi (Son), C. 998-1019 / Vaxtang Ii Of Imeretia (Son Of David V), 1289-1292 / Vaxtang Iii (Brother), 1301-1307 / Vaxtang Iv (Son), 1442-1446. Co-Kings: Demetrius (Iii) And George (Viii) / Vespasian, 70-79 / Vologeses I, C. 50-76 / Vologeses Ii, 77-78 / Vologeses Ii, 89-90 / Vologeses Iii, 111-146 / Vologeses Iv, 148-190 / Vologeses V, 190-206 / Vologeses Vi, 207-221 / Vonones I, C. 7-12 / Vonones, 12-C.15 / Vramshapuh, Replacing Brother Xosrov Iv, 389/401-417 / Xach'ik-Gagik, 908-936/37 / Xazm [Khouzaima Ibn Khazim At-Tamimi] 787 / Xerxes I, 486-465 / Xerxes Ii, 424-423 / Xerxes, After 228-C. 212 / Xosrov I, C.191-216/217? / Xosrov Ii, 279/280-287 / Xosrov Iii Kotak, C.330-338 / Xosrov Iv, 417-418 / Xosrov Iv, In Eastern Armenia. 384-389 / Yazdgird I, 399-420 / Yazdgird Ii, 438-457 / Yazdgird Iii, 632-651 / Yazid I, 680-683 / Yazid Ii, 720-724 / Yazid Iii, 744 / Yesu-Mongke, 1246-1251 / Yesun-Temur, 1323-1328 / Yezid [Yazid Ibn Mazyad Al-Shaybani] (787-788, 799-801) / Yezid [Yezid Ibn Usaid Al-Sulami] (752-754, 759-770, 775-780) / Zamasp, 496-498 / Zeno, 474-491 Basiliscus, Usurper 475-76 / Zeno/Artashes Of Pontus, C.18-34. Not Member Of Dynasty / Ziaelas, C. 250-C. 230 / Ziboetes, 327-279 / Zoe And Theodora, Porphyrogennetae 1042 / Zoe Carbopsina, Regent, 913-919.

1 comment:

o said...

For almost three decades I have been sharing my anxiety about a potential third world war and the ordeal of the Greeks and the whole humanity in general with some other patriots and Christians. According to the legents and the local traditions, the above course of events goes through the conflict to the Turks and the revival of Byzantium.
These legends referred to the "marble king", who is six-fingered and has left an uncompleted work and will be resurrected, under God's help, in order to bring it into completion.
But who is this "marble King"? Which is his role referred to and how is it related to what is going to happen in the broader area?
While searching out the identity of this person, which is related, as I have already aforementioned, to all the shattering events forthcoming for the Greek people, I devoted myself in a struggle for the collection of all the prophesies that refer to the savior emperor. The material was hard to find and scattered around and this is the reason why my whole attempt endured for almost twenty-five years. (I conducted my investigation in the Mount Athos, in Jerusalem and in every Monastery of Greece).
On the basis of the study of the twelve prophesies I collected
and I publish at the next pages of the present book, I discovered that the six-fingered marble king is Ioannis Vatatzis, an emperor of Byzantium, who was six-fingered and was also called as "the great gracious".People say that the marble king, who will resurrect in Byzantium, is Constantine Palaeologus, the last Emperor. All the prophets prophesy about Ioannis and not Constantine. Others talk about Ioannis the Theologue. Ioannis the theologue had never left Ephesus and Patmos nor is he SIX-FINGERED. Others say that it is Ioannis the Prodromus. Prodromus had never left the desert or the river Iordanis, he neither went to Byzantium, nor is he six-fingered. Other people say that it is Constantine the former king of the Greeks. All of our prophets talk about Ioannis and not about Constantine. A lot of people do not know anything about the oncoming worldwide events that will shock humanity.
My personal belief is that these facts will be realized, even though some people do not believe so, in the way people did not believe the split into hundreds of pieces of the countries of the Warsaw Convention 20 years ago. I also believe that God will allow the progress of the facts in Turkey, because the prophets are buried in there, also some other saints and emperors of Byzantium, because, in that place, there lies the biggest part of the Holy Cross, which Saint Helen brought to Constantinople, because in there lies the Christ's robe, the sponge, the cane, the spear and many other holy objects.
After the fall of Constantinople everything was left there.
Finally, I would like to underline that I maintained the style of writing and the syntax of the prophesies, as they were saved to date through tradition and that the one and only motive of this publication is nothing but my wish for the people to know the truth about the marble Emperor and everything that is going to happen.
In the question of how is it possible for the king to resurrect, we answer that whenever God wishes, the natural order of things gets the worst of it.
It is the first time a prophetic book has been written in Greece exclusively about the Marble Six-Fingered King, Saint Ioannis Vatatzis and everything that is going to happen in Byzantium.
Download the book in pdf format from here.: