Sometimes you need to see how the ancient people imagined their goddesses. Here's a small list of artifacts available - replicas from original museum objects of art:
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- Aku'aba Pendant, from the Goddess Collection
- Aztec Moon Goddess Coyolxauhqui - Temple Mayor Museum, Mexico City, 1400 A.D.
- Coyolxauhqui, The Aztec Moon Goddess Pendant, from the Native American Collection
- Death Crone Pendant, from the Goddess Collection
- Egyptian Frog Goddess Heket - Egyptian Museum, Cairo. 664-332 B.C.
- Faceless Goddess Pendant, from the Goddess Collection
- Fertility Goddess Pendant, from the Goddess Collection
- Flowing Goddess Pendant: Faces of the Goddesss
- Goddess of Earth and Sky Pendant: Faces of the Goddesss
- Goddess of Renewal Pendant, from the Goddess Collection
- Grieving Goddess Pendant, from the Goddess Collection
- Harvest goddess from Mohenjo Daro : National Archaeological Museum, 2600 BC
- Hecate (Greek Triple Goddess) - Metropolitian Museum of Art, New York
- Ishtar Pendant, from the Goddess Collection
- Madonna At Prayer Pendant, from the Goddess Collection
- Minoan Snake Goddess - Herakleion Museum, Crete, 1600BC
- Minoan Snake Goddess Pendant, from the Goddess Collection
- Nile Goddess Pendant, from the Goddess Collection
- Nile River Goddess - Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York, 4,000BC
- Otakufu (Goddess of Mirth) - Japanese Netsuke
- Painted Hathor Goddess of Love
- Priestess of the Serpents Pendant, from the Goddess Collection
- Sekhmet - Lion Headed Goddess of Medicine and Healing - Earrings
- Sekhmet - Lion Headed Goddess of Medicine and Healing - Necklace with Carnelian
- Spiral Goddess Pendant, from the Goddess Collection
- Turriga Mother Goddess : National Archaeological Museum of Cagliary, 3200 - 2800 BC
- Venus of La Ussel Pendant, from the Goddess Collection
- Venus of Willendorf Pendant, from the Goddess Collection