Friday, January 5, 2007

Years of 1628 - 1159. Aryans on the Move

Year 1628 OE, the year of Thira (Santorini [Thera] volcano)in the Aegean eruption, and a possible cosmic catastrophe (comet passing by/bolide landing) and an eruption of an Islandic volcano Hekla 3 in the very same year 1159 OE.

1628 OE: The eruption of the volcano Thera is accepted as the cause of the so-called Mosaic plagues, famines, etc in Egypt at the times of Exodus. Even the pillar of fire to the north, with Santorini Island being among the remains. The Ipuwer manuscript documents the catastrophic effects of Thera's eruption on Egypt where falling ash clogged rivers and covered fileds, poisoning animals and people alike. Jews move out of Egypt. Aryans move to India to finish up Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa. Hittites move down South to invade and finish up Babylon.

1159 OE: Even as far away as China in documents of Chou, the last king of the Shang Dynasty, the effects of Hekla 3 were noted: dust and ash rains, a foot of snow in July, all five cereals killed by frost. M. G. L. Baillie finds that the Irish tree-rings growth goes to practically nothing in 1159 OE, no doubt a direct result of the Hekla eruption.

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