Thursday, January 11, 2007
Aryan assimilation of Non-Aryan languages, and Diamond Version
Assimilation of languages:
Aryan tribes wandering along riverbanks and hunters' paths in new territories did not try to teach indigenous (autochtones) locals their (Aryan) language, or exterminate them but set up their proto-states forced their new neighbours speak their language, or at least understand it. It so happens now that the more organized invaders always take an advantage of setting up the laws, tax laws, criminal laws, and other rules, norms, and regulations in their own language.
Americans in Iraq do not learn Arabic, but local American-friendly Iraquis do their best to learn the language of their new masters. Russian expansion into Siberia followed this path: local tribes of Siberia were not exterminated (as were North American Indians) but were forced to learn Russian. Their culture was mostly assimilated into Russian.
Language of a more organized entity meeting with a loosely organized local language modifies its grammar, vocabulary, and takes local words into its local dialectal branch. That way they created Afrikaans, Australian English, Canadian English. Local language in this case has two options - to remain active, but get modified grammatically and with its wordstock (invading, marauding and ruling Danish vikings against local Anglo-Saxons in Britain), or to be preserved intact but without any active use (local population becomes totally bilingual, and uses their original language locally, in family, for cultural purposes, aso). This second (bilingual) approach has preserved and saved most of the surviving minority languages (including Euskara, Ruthenian, Wendish ...)
If invading and local tribes are not much different in their organizational strengths (1066 Norman invasion into Britain), then both grammars remain intact, but wordstock gets exchanged.
I suppose that at the time of the primary Aryan invasion (I would say, immigration via diffusion) local tribes were not organized at all. There were sporadic settlements of pre-Aryan people, hunters, fishers, gatherers, living near rivers and lakes, or along seacoasts. Ethnically they might have been related to today's Basques, or Uralic peoples ancestors.
Therefore, I can come to this conclusion: there are no Aryan peoples genetically and culturally in Europe. Local tribes were assimilated by the original organizing tribe of Aryans wandering across Europe. What was left - their language system as a thin net covering descendants of original European settlers of pre-Indoeuropean stock. European languages are related but their speakers - not.
Who were the original Aryans? Where did they come from? From Anatolia, or from South Russian steppes? From the Baltic seacoast, or from the Balkan mountains? Were they pushed north and east by the erupting volcanoes, and shifting weather patterns, were they part of the Sea Peoples? And who were the Sea Peoples, anyway?
[Diamond Version] ... As of 500 BC, Latin was confined to a small area around Rome and was only one of many languages spoken in Italy. The expansion of Latin-speaking Romans eradicated all those other languages of Italy, then eradicated entire branches of the Indo-European family elsewhere in Europe, like the continental Celtic languages. These sister branches were so thoroughly replaced by Latin that we know each of them only by scattered words, names, and inscriptions. The most extensively preserved of these vanished tongues is the Etruscan language of northwest Italy, for which we have a 281-line text written on a roll of linen that somehow ended up in Egypt as wrapping for a mummy. All such vanished non-lndo-European languages were leftovers from the Indo-European expansion.
Still more linguistic debris was swept up into the surviving Indo-European languages themselves. For example, about one-sixth of Greek words whose derivations can be traced appear to be non-lndo-European. These words are just the sort that one might expect to have been borrowed by invading Greeks from the natives they encountered: place names like Corinth and Olympus, words for Greek crops like olive and vine, and names of gods or heroes like Athene and Odysseus. These words may be the linguistic legacy of Greece's pre-IndoEuropean population to the Greek speakers who overran them.
That is not to say that all words in modern Indo-European languages are descended from PIE: most are not. Our inherited PIE roots tend to be words for human universals: words for
the numbers and human relationships; words for body parts and functions; and objects or concepts like 'sky', 'night', 'summer', and 'cold'. ...
The obvious next questions are: when was PIE spoken, where was it spoken, and how was it able to overwhelm so many other languages? For a long time, the oldest samples that scholars could identify were Iranian texts of around 1000~00 BC, and Sanskrit texts probably composed around 1200-1000 BC but written down later. Texts of a Mesopotamian kingdom called Mitanni, written in a non-lndo-European language but containing some words obviously borrowed from a language related to Sanskrit, push the proven existence of Sanskrit-like languages back to nearly 1500 BC. The next breakthrough was the discovery of ancient Egyptian diplomatic correspondence. Most of it in a Semitic language, but two letters in an unknown language remained a mystery until excavations in Turkey uncovered thousands of tablets in the same tongue. The tablets proved to be the archives of a kingdom that thrived between 1650 and 1200 BC and that we now refer to by the biblical name 'Hittite'. Some obviously Hittite-like names mentioned in earlier letters of Assyrian merchants at a trading post near the Hittite capital's future site push the trail back to nearly 1900 BC ...
Thus, two Indo-European branches - Anatolian and Indo-Iranian - had been shown to exist by around 1900 and 1500 BC, respectively. A third early branch was established in 1952, when the young British cryptographer, Michael Ventris, showed that the so-called Linear B writing of Crete and Greece was an early form of the Greek language. Those Linear B tablets date to around 1300 BC. But Hittite, Sanskrit, and early Greek are very different from each other, certainly more so than are modern French and Spanish, which diverged over a thousand years ago. That suggests that the Hittite, Sanskrit, and Greek branches must have split off from PIE by 2500 BC or earlier. ... The usual conclusion is that PIE may have started to break up by 2500 BC, and not before 5000 BC.
Perhaps the earliest major developments without PIE names are battle chariots, which became widespread between 2000 and 1500 BC, and iron, whose use became important between 1200 and 1000 BC. The lack of PIE terms for these relatively late inventions does not surprise us, since the distinctness of Hittite had already convinced us that PIE broke up long before 2000 BC. Among earlier developments that do have PIE names, there are words for 'sheep' and 'goat', first domesticated by around 8000 BC; cattle (including separate words for cow, steer, and ox), domesticated by 6400 BC; horses, domesticated by around 4000 BC, and ploughs, invented around the time that horses were domesticated. The latest datable invention with a PIE name is the wheel, invented around 3300 BC.
Now it is true that the links between Finno-Ugric and Indo-European languages are enormously weaker than those between German and English, which stem from the fact that the English language was brought to England from northwest Germany only 1,500 years ago. The links are also much weaker than those between the Germanic and Slavic language branches of Indo-European, which probably diverged a few thousand years ago.
A second clue to the PIE homeland is the non-lndo-European vocabulary swept up as debris into quite a few Indo-European languages. I mentioned that this debris is especially noticeable in Greek, and it is also conspicuous in Hittite, Irish, and Sanskrit. That suggests that those areas used to be occupied by non-lndo-Europeans and were later invaded by Indo-Europeans. If so, the PIE homeland was not Ireland or India (which almost no one suggests today anyway), but it also was not Greece or Turkey (which some scholars still do suggest).
Conversely, the modern Indo-European language still most similar to PIE is Lithuanian. Our first preserved Lithuanian texts, from around 1500 AD, contain as high a fraction of PIE word roots as did Sanskrit texts of nearly 3,000 years earlier. The conservatism of Lithuanian suggests that it has been subject to few disturbing influences from non-Indo-European languages and may have remained near the PIE homeland. Formerly, Lithuanian and other Baltic languages were more widely distributed in Russia, until Goths and Slavs pushed the Balts back to their current shrunken domain of Lithuania and Latvia. Thus, this reasoning too suggests a PIE homeland in Russia.
A third clue comes from the reconstructed PIE vocabulary. We already saw how its inclusion of words for things familiar in 4000 BC, but not for things unknown until 2000 BC, helps date the time when PIE was spoken. Might it also pinpoint the place where PIE was spoken? PIE includes a word for snow (snoighwos), suggesting a temperate rather than tropical location and providing the root of our English word 'snow'. Of the many wild animals and plants with PIE names (like mus meaning mouse), most are widespread in the temperate zone of Eurasia and help to pin down the homeland's latitude but not its longitude.
In Europe just before the age of writing, there were not one but two economic revolutions so far-reaching in impact that they could have caused a linguistic steamroller. The first was the arrival of farming and herding, which originated in the Near East around 8000 BC, leapt from Turkey to Greece around 6500 BC, and then spread north and west to reach Britain and Scandinavia. Farming and herding permitted a large increase in human population numbers over those previously sustainable by hunting and gathering alone.
Yet around 5000-3000 BC - at the right time for PIE origins - there was a second economic revolution in Eurasia. This later revolution coincided with the beginnings of metallurgy and involved a greatly expanded use of domestic animals - not just for meat and hides, as humans had been using wild animals for a million years, but for new purposes that included milk, wool, pulling ploughs, pulling wheeled vehicles, and riding. The revolution is richly reflected in the PIE vocabulary, through words for 'yoke'/ 'igo' and 'plough' / 'plug', 'milk' / 'moloko' and 'butter' / 'maslo', 'wool' / 'serst' and 'weave' / 'vjazat', and a host of words associated with wheeled vehicles ('wheel' / 'kolo', 'axle' / 'os', 'shaft', 'harness' / 'uprjazh', 'hub', and 'lynch-pin'). For example, wheeled vehicles are unknown before 3300 BC, but within a few centuries of that date they are widely recorded throughout Europe and the Middle East. But there is one crucial advance whose origin can be identified: the domestication of horses. Just before their domestication, wild horses were absent from the Mideast and southern Europe, rare in northern Europe, and abundant only in the steppes of Russia eastwards. The first evidence of horse domestication is for the Russian Sredny Stog culture around 4000 BC, in the steppes just north of the Black Sea, where archaeologist David Anthony has identified wearmarks on horses' teeth that indicate use of a bit for riding.
Archaeological evidence makes clear that domestic horses had similarly transformed human society on the Russian steppe much earlier, around 4000 BC. The steppe habitat of open grassland was hard for people to exploit until they could use horses to solve the problems of distance and transport. Human occupation of the Russian steppe accelerated with horse domestication and then exploded with the invention of ox-drawn wheeled vehicles around 3300 BC. The steppe economy came to be based on the combination of sheep and cattle for meat, milk, and wool, plus horses and wheeled vehicles for transport and supplemented by a little farming.
There is no evidence for intensive agriculture and food storage at those early steppe sites, in marked contrast to the abundant evidence at other European and Mideast sites around the same time. Steppe people lacked large permanent settlements and were evidently highly mobile - again in contrast to the villages with rows of hundreds of two storey houses in southeast Europe at the time. What the horsemen lacked in architecture they made up for in military zeal, as attested by their lavish tombs (for men only!), filled with enormous numbers of daggers and other weapons, and sometimes even with wagons and horse skeletons.
Thus, Russia's Dnieper River marked an abrupt cultural boundary: to the east, the well-armed horsemen, to the west, the rich farming villages with their granaries. That proximity of wolves and sheep spelt T-R-O-U-B-L-E. Once the invention of the wheel completed the horsemens' economic package, their artifacts indicate a very rapid spread for thousands of miles eastwards through the steppes of central Asia. From that movement, the ancestors of the Tocharians may have arisen. The steppe peoples' spread westwards is marked by the concentration of European farming villages nearest the steppes into huge defensive settlements, then the collapse of those societies, and the appearance of characteristic steppe graves in Europe as far west as Hungary.
Of the innovations that drove the steppe peoples' steamroller, the sole one for which they clearly get full credit is the domestication of the horse. They might also have developed wheeled vehicles, milking, and wool technology independently of the Mideast's civilizations, but they borrowed sheep, cattle, metallurgy, and probably the plough from the Mideast or Europe. Thus, there was no single 'secret weapon' that alone explains the steppe expansion. Instead, with horse domestication the steppe peoples became the first to put together the economic and military package that came to dominate the world for the next 5,000 years especially after they added intensive agriculture upon invading southeastern Europe. Hence their success, like that of the second-stage European expansion that began in 1492, was an accident of bio-geography. They happened to be the peoples whose homeland combined abundant wild horses and open steppe with proximity to Mideastern and European centres of civilization.
As archaeologist Marija Gimbutas has argued, the Russian steppe peoples who lived west of the Ural Mountains in the fourth millenium BC fit quite well into our postulated picture of proto-Indo-Europeans. They lived at the right time. Their culture included the important economic elements reconstructed for PIE (like wheels and horses), and lacked the elements lacking from PIE (like battle chariots and many crop terms). They lived in the right place for PIE: the temperate zone, south of Finno-Ugric peoples, near the later homeland of Lithuanians and other Balts.
If the fit is so good, why does the steppe theory of Indo-European origins remain so controversial? There would have been no controversy if archaeologists had been able to demonstrate a rapid expansion of steppe culture from southern Russia all the way to Ireland around 3000 BC. But that did not happen; direct evidence of the steppe invaders themselves extends no further west than Hungary. Instead, around and after 3000 BC, one finds a bewildering array of other cultures developing in Europe and named for their artifacts (for instance, the 'Corded Ware and Battle-axe Culture'). Those emerging Western European cultures combine steppe elements like horses and militarism with old Western European elements, especially settled agriculture. Such facts cause many archaeologists to discount the steppe hypothesis altogether, and to see the emerging Western European cultures as local developments.
However, there is an obvious reason why the steppe culture could not spread intact to Ireland. The steppe itself reaches its western limit in the plains of Hungary. That is where all subsequent steppe invaders of Europe, such as the Mongols, stopped. To spread further, steppe society had to adapt to the forested landscape of Western Europe - by adopting intensive agriculture, or by taking over existing European societies and hybridizing with their peoples. Most of the genes of the resulting hybrid societies may have been the genes of Old Europe.
If steppe people imposed PIE, their mother tongue, on southeastern Europe as far as Hungary, then it was the resulting daughter Indo-European culture, not the original steppe culture itself, that spread to derived granddaughtter cultures elsewhere in Europe. Archaeological evidence of major cultural change suggests that such granddaughter cultures may have arisen throughout Europe and east to India between 3000 and 1500 BC. Many non-lndo-European languages held out long enough to be preserved in writing (like Etruscan), and Basque still survives today. Thus, the Indo-European steamroller was not a single wave, but a long chain of events that has taken 5,000 years to unfold.
As an analogy, consider how Indo-European languages came to dominate North and South America today. We have abundant written records to prove that they stem from invasions of Indo-European speakers from Europe. Those European immigrants did not overrun the Americas in one step, and archaeologists do not find remains of unmodified European culture throughout the sixteenth-century New World. That culture was useless on the US frontier. Instead, the colonists' culture was a highly modified or hybrid one that combined Indo-European languages and much of European technology (such as guns and iron) with American Indian crops and (especially in Central and South America) Indian genes. Some areas of the New World have taken many centuries for Indo-European language and economy to master. The takeover did not reach the Arctic until this century. It is reaching much of the Amazon only now, and the Andes of Peru and Bolivia promise to remain Indian for a long time yet.
Aryan tribes wandering along riverbanks and hunters' paths in new territories did not try to teach indigenous (autochtones) locals their (Aryan) language, or exterminate them but set up their proto-states forced their new neighbours speak their language, or at least understand it. It so happens now that the more organized invaders always take an advantage of setting up the laws, tax laws, criminal laws, and other rules, norms, and regulations in their own language.
Americans in Iraq do not learn Arabic, but local American-friendly Iraquis do their best to learn the language of their new masters. Russian expansion into Siberia followed this path: local tribes of Siberia were not exterminated (as were North American Indians) but were forced to learn Russian. Their culture was mostly assimilated into Russian.
Language of a more organized entity meeting with a loosely organized local language modifies its grammar, vocabulary, and takes local words into its local dialectal branch. That way they created Afrikaans, Australian English, Canadian English. Local language in this case has two options - to remain active, but get modified grammatically and with its wordstock (invading, marauding and ruling Danish vikings against local Anglo-Saxons in Britain), or to be preserved intact but without any active use (local population becomes totally bilingual, and uses their original language locally, in family, for cultural purposes, aso). This second (bilingual) approach has preserved and saved most of the surviving minority languages (including Euskara, Ruthenian, Wendish ...)
If invading and local tribes are not much different in their organizational strengths (1066 Norman invasion into Britain), then both grammars remain intact, but wordstock gets exchanged.
I suppose that at the time of the primary Aryan invasion (I would say, immigration via diffusion) local tribes were not organized at all. There were sporadic settlements of pre-Aryan people, hunters, fishers, gatherers, living near rivers and lakes, or along seacoasts. Ethnically they might have been related to today's Basques, or Uralic peoples ancestors.
Therefore, I can come to this conclusion: there are no Aryan peoples genetically and culturally in Europe. Local tribes were assimilated by the original organizing tribe of Aryans wandering across Europe. What was left - their language system as a thin net covering descendants of original European settlers of pre-Indoeuropean stock. European languages are related but their speakers - not.
Who were the original Aryans? Where did they come from? From Anatolia, or from South Russian steppes? From the Baltic seacoast, or from the Balkan mountains? Were they pushed north and east by the erupting volcanoes, and shifting weather patterns, were they part of the Sea Peoples? And who were the Sea Peoples, anyway?
[Diamond Version] ... As of 500 BC, Latin was confined to a small area around Rome and was only one of many languages spoken in Italy. The expansion of Latin-speaking Romans eradicated all those other languages of Italy, then eradicated entire branches of the Indo-European family elsewhere in Europe, like the continental Celtic languages. These sister branches were so thoroughly replaced by Latin that we know each of them only by scattered words, names, and inscriptions. The most extensively preserved of these vanished tongues is the Etruscan language of northwest Italy, for which we have a 281-line text written on a roll of linen that somehow ended up in Egypt as wrapping for a mummy. All such vanished non-lndo-European languages were leftovers from the Indo-European expansion.
Still more linguistic debris was swept up into the surviving Indo-European languages themselves. For example, about one-sixth of Greek words whose derivations can be traced appear to be non-lndo-European. These words are just the sort that one might expect to have been borrowed by invading Greeks from the natives they encountered: place names like Corinth and Olympus, words for Greek crops like olive and vine, and names of gods or heroes like Athene and Odysseus. These words may be the linguistic legacy of Greece's pre-IndoEuropean population to the Greek speakers who overran them.
That is not to say that all words in modern Indo-European languages are descended from PIE: most are not. Our inherited PIE roots tend to be words for human universals: words for
the numbers and human relationships; words for body parts and functions; and objects or concepts like 'sky', 'night', 'summer', and 'cold'. ...
The obvious next questions are: when was PIE spoken, where was it spoken, and how was it able to overwhelm so many other languages? For a long time, the oldest samples that scholars could identify were Iranian texts of around 1000~00 BC, and Sanskrit texts probably composed around 1200-1000 BC but written down later. Texts of a Mesopotamian kingdom called Mitanni, written in a non-lndo-European language but containing some words obviously borrowed from a language related to Sanskrit, push the proven existence of Sanskrit-like languages back to nearly 1500 BC. The next breakthrough was the discovery of ancient Egyptian diplomatic correspondence. Most of it in a Semitic language, but two letters in an unknown language remained a mystery until excavations in Turkey uncovered thousands of tablets in the same tongue. The tablets proved to be the archives of a kingdom that thrived between 1650 and 1200 BC and that we now refer to by the biblical name 'Hittite'. Some obviously Hittite-like names mentioned in earlier letters of Assyrian merchants at a trading post near the Hittite capital's future site push the trail back to nearly 1900 BC ...
Thus, two Indo-European branches - Anatolian and Indo-Iranian - had been shown to exist by around 1900 and 1500 BC, respectively. A third early branch was established in 1952, when the young British cryptographer, Michael Ventris, showed that the so-called Linear B writing of Crete and Greece was an early form of the Greek language. Those Linear B tablets date to around 1300 BC. But Hittite, Sanskrit, and early Greek are very different from each other, certainly more so than are modern French and Spanish, which diverged over a thousand years ago. That suggests that the Hittite, Sanskrit, and Greek branches must have split off from PIE by 2500 BC or earlier. ... The usual conclusion is that PIE may have started to break up by 2500 BC, and not before 5000 BC.
Perhaps the earliest major developments without PIE names are battle chariots, which became widespread between 2000 and 1500 BC, and iron, whose use became important between 1200 and 1000 BC. The lack of PIE terms for these relatively late inventions does not surprise us, since the distinctness of Hittite had already convinced us that PIE broke up long before 2000 BC. Among earlier developments that do have PIE names, there are words for 'sheep' and 'goat', first domesticated by around 8000 BC; cattle (including separate words for cow, steer, and ox), domesticated by 6400 BC; horses, domesticated by around 4000 BC, and ploughs, invented around the time that horses were domesticated. The latest datable invention with a PIE name is the wheel, invented around 3300 BC.
Now it is true that the links between Finno-Ugric and Indo-European languages are enormously weaker than those between German and English, which stem from the fact that the English language was brought to England from northwest Germany only 1,500 years ago. The links are also much weaker than those between the Germanic and Slavic language branches of Indo-European, which probably diverged a few thousand years ago.
A second clue to the PIE homeland is the non-lndo-European vocabulary swept up as debris into quite a few Indo-European languages. I mentioned that this debris is especially noticeable in Greek, and it is also conspicuous in Hittite, Irish, and Sanskrit. That suggests that those areas used to be occupied by non-lndo-Europeans and were later invaded by Indo-Europeans. If so, the PIE homeland was not Ireland or India (which almost no one suggests today anyway), but it also was not Greece or Turkey (which some scholars still do suggest).
Conversely, the modern Indo-European language still most similar to PIE is Lithuanian. Our first preserved Lithuanian texts, from around 1500 AD, contain as high a fraction of PIE word roots as did Sanskrit texts of nearly 3,000 years earlier. The conservatism of Lithuanian suggests that it has been subject to few disturbing influences from non-Indo-European languages and may have remained near the PIE homeland. Formerly, Lithuanian and other Baltic languages were more widely distributed in Russia, until Goths and Slavs pushed the Balts back to their current shrunken domain of Lithuania and Latvia. Thus, this reasoning too suggests a PIE homeland in Russia.
A third clue comes from the reconstructed PIE vocabulary. We already saw how its inclusion of words for things familiar in 4000 BC, but not for things unknown until 2000 BC, helps date the time when PIE was spoken. Might it also pinpoint the place where PIE was spoken? PIE includes a word for snow (snoighwos), suggesting a temperate rather than tropical location and providing the root of our English word 'snow'. Of the many wild animals and plants with PIE names (like mus meaning mouse), most are widespread in the temperate zone of Eurasia and help to pin down the homeland's latitude but not its longitude.
In Europe just before the age of writing, there were not one but two economic revolutions so far-reaching in impact that they could have caused a linguistic steamroller. The first was the arrival of farming and herding, which originated in the Near East around 8000 BC, leapt from Turkey to Greece around 6500 BC, and then spread north and west to reach Britain and Scandinavia. Farming and herding permitted a large increase in human population numbers over those previously sustainable by hunting and gathering alone.
Yet around 5000-3000 BC - at the right time for PIE origins - there was a second economic revolution in Eurasia. This later revolution coincided with the beginnings of metallurgy and involved a greatly expanded use of domestic animals - not just for meat and hides, as humans had been using wild animals for a million years, but for new purposes that included milk, wool, pulling ploughs, pulling wheeled vehicles, and riding. The revolution is richly reflected in the PIE vocabulary, through words for 'yoke'/ 'igo' and 'plough' / 'plug', 'milk' / 'moloko' and 'butter' / 'maslo', 'wool' / 'serst' and 'weave' / 'vjazat', and a host of words associated with wheeled vehicles ('wheel' / 'kolo', 'axle' / 'os', 'shaft', 'harness' / 'uprjazh', 'hub', and 'lynch-pin'). For example, wheeled vehicles are unknown before 3300 BC, but within a few centuries of that date they are widely recorded throughout Europe and the Middle East. But there is one crucial advance whose origin can be identified: the domestication of horses. Just before their domestication, wild horses were absent from the Mideast and southern Europe, rare in northern Europe, and abundant only in the steppes of Russia eastwards. The first evidence of horse domestication is for the Russian Sredny Stog culture around 4000 BC, in the steppes just north of the Black Sea, where archaeologist David Anthony has identified wearmarks on horses' teeth that indicate use of a bit for riding.
Archaeological evidence makes clear that domestic horses had similarly transformed human society on the Russian steppe much earlier, around 4000 BC. The steppe habitat of open grassland was hard for people to exploit until they could use horses to solve the problems of distance and transport. Human occupation of the Russian steppe accelerated with horse domestication and then exploded with the invention of ox-drawn wheeled vehicles around 3300 BC. The steppe economy came to be based on the combination of sheep and cattle for meat, milk, and wool, plus horses and wheeled vehicles for transport and supplemented by a little farming.
There is no evidence for intensive agriculture and food storage at those early steppe sites, in marked contrast to the abundant evidence at other European and Mideast sites around the same time. Steppe people lacked large permanent settlements and were evidently highly mobile - again in contrast to the villages with rows of hundreds of two storey houses in southeast Europe at the time. What the horsemen lacked in architecture they made up for in military zeal, as attested by their lavish tombs (for men only!), filled with enormous numbers of daggers and other weapons, and sometimes even with wagons and horse skeletons.
Thus, Russia's Dnieper River marked an abrupt cultural boundary: to the east, the well-armed horsemen, to the west, the rich farming villages with their granaries. That proximity of wolves and sheep spelt T-R-O-U-B-L-E. Once the invention of the wheel completed the horsemens' economic package, their artifacts indicate a very rapid spread for thousands of miles eastwards through the steppes of central Asia. From that movement, the ancestors of the Tocharians may have arisen. The steppe peoples' spread westwards is marked by the concentration of European farming villages nearest the steppes into huge defensive settlements, then the collapse of those societies, and the appearance of characteristic steppe graves in Europe as far west as Hungary.
Of the innovations that drove the steppe peoples' steamroller, the sole one for which they clearly get full credit is the domestication of the horse. They might also have developed wheeled vehicles, milking, and wool technology independently of the Mideast's civilizations, but they borrowed sheep, cattle, metallurgy, and probably the plough from the Mideast or Europe. Thus, there was no single 'secret weapon' that alone explains the steppe expansion. Instead, with horse domestication the steppe peoples became the first to put together the economic and military package that came to dominate the world for the next 5,000 years especially after they added intensive agriculture upon invading southeastern Europe. Hence their success, like that of the second-stage European expansion that began in 1492, was an accident of bio-geography. They happened to be the peoples whose homeland combined abundant wild horses and open steppe with proximity to Mideastern and European centres of civilization.
As archaeologist Marija Gimbutas has argued, the Russian steppe peoples who lived west of the Ural Mountains in the fourth millenium BC fit quite well into our postulated picture of proto-Indo-Europeans. They lived at the right time. Their culture included the important economic elements reconstructed for PIE (like wheels and horses), and lacked the elements lacking from PIE (like battle chariots and many crop terms). They lived in the right place for PIE: the temperate zone, south of Finno-Ugric peoples, near the later homeland of Lithuanians and other Balts.
If the fit is so good, why does the steppe theory of Indo-European origins remain so controversial? There would have been no controversy if archaeologists had been able to demonstrate a rapid expansion of steppe culture from southern Russia all the way to Ireland around 3000 BC. But that did not happen; direct evidence of the steppe invaders themselves extends no further west than Hungary. Instead, around and after 3000 BC, one finds a bewildering array of other cultures developing in Europe and named for their artifacts (for instance, the 'Corded Ware and Battle-axe Culture'). Those emerging Western European cultures combine steppe elements like horses and militarism with old Western European elements, especially settled agriculture. Such facts cause many archaeologists to discount the steppe hypothesis altogether, and to see the emerging Western European cultures as local developments.
However, there is an obvious reason why the steppe culture could not spread intact to Ireland. The steppe itself reaches its western limit in the plains of Hungary. That is where all subsequent steppe invaders of Europe, such as the Mongols, stopped. To spread further, steppe society had to adapt to the forested landscape of Western Europe - by adopting intensive agriculture, or by taking over existing European societies and hybridizing with their peoples. Most of the genes of the resulting hybrid societies may have been the genes of Old Europe.
If steppe people imposed PIE, their mother tongue, on southeastern Europe as far as Hungary, then it was the resulting daughter Indo-European culture, not the original steppe culture itself, that spread to derived granddaughtter cultures elsewhere in Europe. Archaeological evidence of major cultural change suggests that such granddaughter cultures may have arisen throughout Europe and east to India between 3000 and 1500 BC. Many non-lndo-European languages held out long enough to be preserved in writing (like Etruscan), and Basque still survives today. Thus, the Indo-European steamroller was not a single wave, but a long chain of events that has taken 5,000 years to unfold.
As an analogy, consider how Indo-European languages came to dominate North and South America today. We have abundant written records to prove that they stem from invasions of Indo-European speakers from Europe. Those European immigrants did not overrun the Americas in one step, and archaeologists do not find remains of unmodified European culture throughout the sixteenth-century New World. That culture was useless on the US frontier. Instead, the colonists' culture was a highly modified or hybrid one that combined Indo-European languages and much of European technology (such as guns and iron) with American Indian crops and (especially in Central and South America) Indian genes. Some areas of the New World have taken many centuries for Indo-European language and economy to master. The takeover did not reach the Arctic until this century. It is reaching much of the Amazon only now, and the Andes of Peru and Bolivia promise to remain Indian for a long time yet.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Hekla Eruption May Have Caused Aryan Migration
Hekla eruption may have been the reason why the so-called Sea Peoples left their homes in the Eastern Mediterranean and moved East pushing Hittites and Armenians on their way even farther East. | Hekla Eruption May Have Caused Aryan Migration The largest known Hekla eruption occurred 3:30 in the morning April 5th 1766 and continued until May of 1768. Red-hot lava flowed out from the fissure in all directions although mostly to the southwest. Livestock and wildlife died out. Flooding was associated with this eruption when ice and snow melted from Hekla's slopes. |
The Hekla eruption of 1845 lasted over seven months. In the first four hours tephra was ejected at about 20,000 cu. meters per second, fine ash was found as far as the Shetland Islands and Scotland. Ash and pumice fell over farm and grazing lands causing livestock and wildlife to die. The lava flow associated with this eruption flowed mainly west-north-west. On January 17th 1991 Hekla erupted with a cloud of ash and tephra that reached an altitude of 39,360 ft. During this eruption a main crater was created and from it lava flows ran down the southeastern and northwestern slopes. Lava fountains reached a height of 984 ft. (300m). This eruption continued until March 11th 1991.
Friday, January 5, 2007
Years of 1628 - 1159. Aryans on the Move
Year 1628 OE, the year of Thira (Santorini [Thera] volcano)in the Aegean eruption, and a possible cosmic catastrophe (comet passing by/bolide landing) and an eruption of an Islandic volcano Hekla 3 in the very same year 1159 OE.
1628 OE: The eruption of the volcano Thera is accepted as the cause of the so-called Mosaic plagues, famines, etc in Egypt at the times of Exodus. Even the pillar of fire to the north, with Santorini Island being among the remains. The Ipuwer manuscript documents the catastrophic effects of Thera's eruption on Egypt where falling ash clogged rivers and covered fileds, poisoning animals and people alike. Jews move out of Egypt. Aryans move to India to finish up Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa. Hittites move down South to invade and finish up Babylon.
1159 OE: Even as far away as China in documents of Chou, the last king of the Shang Dynasty, the effects of Hekla 3 were noted: dust and ash rains, a foot of snow in July, all five cereals killed by frost. M. G. L. Baillie finds that the Irish tree-rings growth goes to practically nothing in 1159 OE, no doubt a direct result of the Hekla eruption.
1628 OE: The eruption of the volcano Thera is accepted as the cause of the so-called Mosaic plagues, famines, etc in Egypt at the times of Exodus. Even the pillar of fire to the north, with Santorini Island being among the remains. The Ipuwer manuscript documents the catastrophic effects of Thera's eruption on Egypt where falling ash clogged rivers and covered fileds, poisoning animals and people alike. Jews move out of Egypt. Aryans move to India to finish up Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa. Hittites move down South to invade and finish up Babylon.
1159 OE: Even as far away as China in documents of Chou, the last king of the Shang Dynasty, the effects of Hekla 3 were noted: dust and ash rains, a foot of snow in July, all five cereals killed by frost. M. G. L. Baillie finds that the Irish tree-rings growth goes to practically nothing in 1159 OE, no doubt a direct result of the Hekla eruption.
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Pisces and Fishes and Old Vagina Signs
Old Christian Sign is that of Fish, the Greek word being IX ..., that is - Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Saviour.. The adopted sign - the Vesica Piscis is an oval figure, pointed at both ends and, supposedly representing the air bladder of a fish. Now, it might be the bladder, but to me it looks more like a sign of a female's vagina with a Cross sign being the fallic symbol.
My point is that in Latin, Romance, and Germanic languages the root of a word fish - pisces, pesca and so on has its weird correlation in Slavic languages - piska/pichka where piska/pichka stands for vulva (female sexual organ). Is that a coincidence?
Slavic root for [fish] is [rib]: riba/ryba/ribar/ribolov (fisherman) et cet.
Another coincidence: German Pferd (horse) has a relative in English - [fart], and in Slavic [perd]. Might that be connected to horses farting quite often?
The beginnings of a language are really humble. It's all about physical functions of a human, and his environment - eat, drink, suck, fart, fuck, make war with neighbors and try to keep gods satisfied ... Nothing heroic or lofty.
Continue publishing of the Kings' Timelines: Titular King, 958-994 / Bagrat Iii (Son), Curopalate, 1000 / Bagrat Iii, 1008-1014, Curopalate, 1000 / Bagrat Iv (Son), 1027-1072 / Bagrat V The Great (Son), 1360-1395. Co-King: George (Vii), 1369 [Imeretia Lost] / Bagratid Dynasty / Bagratid Dynasty) / Bahram I, 271-274 / Bahram Ii, 274-293 / Bahram Iii, 293 / Bahram Iv, 388-399 / Bahram V, 420-438 / Bahram Vi Chobin, 590-591 / Baidu, 1295 / Balash, 484-488 / Baraq, 1266-1271 / Bardas, Regent 862-866 / Basil I, 866-867 / Basil I, The Macedonian 867-886 / Basil Ii, 960-963 / Basil Ii, 963-976 / Basil Ii, Bulgaroctonus 963 Teophano, Regent 963 / Basil Ii, Bulgaroctonus 976-1025 / Batu, 1237-1256 / Bayezid I, 1389-1402 / Berke, 1257-1266 / Bithynia / Borandukht, 630-631 / Brother-In-Law Of P'arnajom), / Buyantu, 1311-1320 / Buzan, 1334 / C. Abbasids / C. House Of Jochi / C. Lusignan Dynasty / C. Mithridatid Dynasty Of Pontus / Caesar, C. 1081 / Caligula, 37-41 / Caliphs / Cambyses I, 600-559 / Cambyses Ii, 530-522 / Cappadocia / Caracalla, 211-217 / Carus, Carinus, And Numerianus, 282-284 / Chaghatai, 1227-1242 / Chingiz-Khan, 1206-1227 / Chingshi, 1334-1338 / Chosroids / Christopher Lecapenus, 921-931
My point is that in Latin, Romance, and Germanic languages the root of a word fish - pisces, pesca and so on has its weird correlation in Slavic languages - piska/pichka where piska/pichka stands for vulva (female sexual organ). Is that a coincidence?
Slavic root for [fish] is [rib]: riba/ryba/ribar/ribolov (fisherman) et cet.
Another coincidence: German Pferd (horse) has a relative in English - [fart], and in Slavic [perd]. Might that be connected to horses farting quite often?
The beginnings of a language are really humble. It's all about physical functions of a human, and his environment - eat, drink, suck, fart, fuck, make war with neighbors and try to keep gods satisfied ... Nothing heroic or lofty.
Continue publishing of the Kings' Timelines: Titular King, 958-994 / Bagrat Iii (Son), Curopalate, 1000 / Bagrat Iii, 1008-1014, Curopalate, 1000 / Bagrat Iv (Son), 1027-1072 / Bagrat V The Great (Son), 1360-1395. Co-King: George (Vii), 1369 [Imeretia Lost] / Bagratid Dynasty / Bagratid Dynasty) / Bahram I, 271-274 / Bahram Ii, 274-293 / Bahram Iii, 293 / Bahram Iv, 388-399 / Bahram V, 420-438 / Bahram Vi Chobin, 590-591 / Baidu, 1295 / Balash, 484-488 / Baraq, 1266-1271 / Bardas, Regent 862-866 / Basil I, 866-867 / Basil I, The Macedonian 867-886 / Basil Ii, 960-963 / Basil Ii, 963-976 / Basil Ii, Bulgaroctonus 963 Teophano, Regent 963 / Basil Ii, Bulgaroctonus 976-1025 / Batu, 1237-1256 / Bayezid I, 1389-1402 / Berke, 1257-1266 / Bithynia / Borandukht, 630-631 / Brother-In-Law Of P'arnajom), / Buyantu, 1311-1320 / Buzan, 1334 / C. Abbasids / C. House Of Jochi / C. Lusignan Dynasty / C. Mithridatid Dynasty Of Pontus / Caesar, C. 1081 / Caligula, 37-41 / Caliphs / Cambyses I, 600-559 / Cambyses Ii, 530-522 / Cappadocia / Caracalla, 211-217 / Carus, Carinus, And Numerianus, 282-284 / Chaghatai, 1227-1242 / Chingiz-Khan, 1206-1227 / Chingshi, 1334-1338 / Chosroids / Christopher Lecapenus, 921-931
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